Yarn word comes from the Sanskrit word “band”. When interlocked fibers make a long continuous length thread used in textile production, sewing, weaving, and knitting. Fabric is made from thread and this thread is manufactured through cotton or various fabrics. Nowadays colored thread is also available in the market that’s why people buy it on special demand. Dye is specially used in the factory to color it. When printed fabric dyed is different from dyed yarn in the fabric while cloth dipped into dye solution then it can be changed into the desirable fabric.
Natural dyes which is extracted from plants, and biological sources of plants like roots, berries, wood, and fungi. Since 5000 years ago in China insects and plants have both been used as dyes in dyeing material. Khadi is also a natural dying yarn in which the thread is colored natural way and the brown and white color is not changed differently. If we check out the ancient times 34,000 BC in the cave of Georgia flax fabric of dyed flax was found where people using dye come from vegetables and Cotton dyed yarn colored to give it a beautiful color. Textile manufacturers use this mechanism and design various types of cotton fabric which is easily available in the market.
1. Preparation of yarn
This process starts with cotton seed when yarn is extracted from cotton seed which is also cleaned, hand spinning then turned into yarn. This yarn is purely white which will be used for making white clothes.
2. Winding
In this process, cotton yarn is made from bobbling cotton on the charkha, and weaving material means yard easily comes from cotton.
3. Dyeing
When a cotton thread is ready this is dipped into various colored dye solutions then it is ready to make fabric with a solid color that will not be removed. Natural color fabric shining is totally different from
chemical dyed clothes so people usually prefer to color the fabric in natural dyes.
1. Variety of colors
One of the best benefits of cotton yarn is using different colors and preparing shade hues which is mixing every thread with different closures. If the dyed material is three different colors then during knitting add various color threads and prepare a designer cloth with client demand.
2. Flexibility of design
The design of the fabric is matters when the product finally prepared then a lot of yarn flexible. When dyed color and also find a choice of multiple color depths and designs of fabric yarn easily
3. Fabric consistency
When yarn becomes fabric then its quality also matters so solid yarn used in fabric makes it stronger and more vibrant. Cotton yarn fabric is nowadays in huge demand because of the beauty of color. People preferred to shift their interest toward this type of clothes.
4. Affordable price
This is an additional dying process in which yarn is colored then collected and woven in a fabric that’s the reason it’s affordable in price. The common man easily avails that fabric. The biggest manufacturer and exporter invested a lot of money in this textile industry. The designer also uses that type of fabric in their collection due to summer season demand.