Polyester Textured Dyed Yarn is a polyester yarn with unique stretch and bulk properties related to specific processing techniques. It is manufactured from polyester POY, which is a partially oriented yarn. We also process it to add texture and elasticity.
Manufacturing Process of Polyester Textured Dyed Yarn
The production of Polyester-Textured Dyed Yarn involves several important steps. If you want to know about them in detail, we are sharing the information below.
1. Spinning
The first stage of its production begins with the spinning process. In this, POY is spun. In this, fibers are extracted from the cotton plant, and threads are made. After this, the thread is placed on the bark of a frame and passes through several seats of rollers.
2. Drawing
After spinning, under the drawing process, we preserve the polymer chain. This increases the strength of the yarn and makes it stronger.
3. Texturizing
The yarn is given texture by passing it through a controlled process. This is called texturizing. Under this, special attention is paid to the texture, bulk, and appearance of the yarn.
4. Crimping and Hit Setting
Under crimping and hit setting, the yarn gets crimp and bulk. This creates a wavy texture of the thread. In this way, it is completely manufactured.
The main features of Polyester Textured Dyed Yarn
Polyester Textured Dyed Yarn has many times more main features than other yarns. It has high tensile strength. Along with this, it is also less shrinkable. It shines. Due to these features, we can say that it can become highly resistant to chemicals.
Such yarns are suitable for extreme weather conditions. We can also see its versatility in various textile applications. It is very soft due to which the products prepared by it are of high quality and give comfortable fitting.
Common Applications of Polyester Textured Dyed Yarn
Polyester Textured Dyed Yarn has durability and stretchability, due to which we can widely use it in a wide range of production. Generally, many industries are using it in large quantities to manufacture comfortable products in large quantities.
Polyester Textured Dyed Yarn plays an important role in making sportswear and activewear. With this, we can give flexibility in these products. This yarn is also used to make them comfortable. Such yarns also prove to be very helpful in the production of home textile and medical textile applications.
The automotive fabric industry also uses it to make high-quality products. It has a very high adaptability which helps in the manufacture of knitted, elastic, and narrow clothes. Due to the increasing demand for such clothes in large quantities, the demand for Polyester Textured Dyed Yarn is also increasing.
Polyester Textured Dyed Yarn Manufacturers in India
There are many Polyester Textured Dyed Yarn manufacturing companies in India, which are involved in its production and manufacturing in large quantities. We are sharing the list of Polyester Textured Dyed Yarn manufacturing companies in India below-
- Balkrushna Textiles
- Reliance Industries Limited
- AYM Syntex (Formerly known as Welspun Syntex)
- IndoRama Synthetics (India) Ltd
- Beekaylon Synthetics
- Wellknown Polyester